Bodyweight Exercises to Improve your Overall Fitness.

Bodyweight Exercises to Improve your Overall Fitness.

Bodyweight exercises are a type of exercise that use your own body weight as resistance to build strength, flexibility, and endurance. These exercises can be done anywhere, without any equipment, and are an excellent way to improve your overall fitness. Here are some bodyweight exercises you can try:

  1. Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body down into a squat position, making sure to keep your knees behind your toes. Return to standing position and repeat.

  2. Lunges: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and take a large step forward with one foot, lowering your back knee down towards the floor. Push back up and repeat on the other side.

  3. Push-ups: Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line. Lower your chest down towards the floor, keeping your elbows close to your sides, then push back up.

  4. Plank: Start in a push-up position and lower your forearms to the floor. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe and hold for 30 seconds or longer.

  5. Sit-ups: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and lift your upper body towards your knees, then lower back down and repeat.

Remember to keep proper form and breathe through each exercise. Start with a few reps of each exercise and gradually increase the number over time.


Squats are a bodyweight exercise that primarily work your quadriceps (front of your thighs), hamstrings (back of your thighs), and glutes (butt muscles). Here's how to perform a basic squat:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward or slightly outward.
  2. Keep your back straight, chest up, and gaze forward.
  3. Engage your core and slowly lower your body as if you are sitting back into a chair. Your knees should bend and track in line with your toes.
  4. Continue lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as you can go while maintaining proper form.
  5. Pause briefly, then push through your heels to stand back up to the starting position.

Here are some tips to ensure proper form during squats:

  1. Keep your knees in line with your toes and avoid letting them collapse inward.
  2. Avoid leaning too far forward or letting your knees go past your toes.
  3. Keep your weight in your heels and midfoot, not in your toes.
  4. Engage your glutes and core to maintain stability.
  5. Breathe in as you lower your body, and exhale as you push back up.

Squats can be modified or progressed by using weights, performing them on one leg, or adding a jump at the end. Start with a few sets of 10-12 reps and gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you get stronger.


Lunges are a bodyweight exercise that work your lower body muscles, including your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Here's how to perform a basic lunge:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips.
  2. Take a large step forward with one foot and lower your body down until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your back knee is hovering just above the ground.
  3. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle and not past it.
  4. Push through your front heel and step back to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the other side by stepping forward with your other foot.

Here are some tips to ensure proper form during lunges:

  1. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and core engaged.
  2. Keep your weight in your front heel as you lower your body down.
  3. Keep your back straight and avoid leaning too far forward.
  4. Make sure your front knee stays directly above your ankle and does not collapse inward.
  5. Take a large enough step forward to create a 90-degree angle with your front leg.

Lunges can be modified or progressed by using weights, performing them on an incline or decline surface, or adding a jump at the end. Start with a few sets of 10-12 reps on each leg and gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you get stronger.


Push-ups are a bodyweight exercise that primarily work your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here's how to perform a basic push-up:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward, and your feet together or slightly apart.
  2. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, engaging your core and glutes.
  3. Lower your body down towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides.
  4. Lower your body until your chest touches the ground or your elbows form a 90-degree angle.
  5. Push through your hands to lift your body back up to the starting position.

Here are some tips to ensure proper form during push-ups:

  1. Keep your elbows close to your sides and not flared out.
  2. Keep your neck in line with your spine and avoid letting your head droop down.
  3. Keep your body in a straight line and avoid arching or sagging your back.
  4. Engage your core and glutes to maintain stability.
  5. Breathe in as you lower your body, and exhale as you push back up.

Push-ups can be modified or progressed by changing your hand position, performing them on an incline or decline surface, or adding a plyometric movement like a clap at the top. Start with a few sets of 10-12 reps and gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you get stronger.


The plank is a bodyweight exercise that primarily works your core muscles, including your abdominals and lower back. Here's how to perform a basic plank:

  1. Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Extend your legs behind you and come up onto your toes, creating a straight line from head to heels.
  3. Engage your core and glutes, and hold this position for as long as you can without letting your hips sag or lift too high.

Here are some tips to ensure proper form during planks:

  1. Keep your hands directly under your shoulders and your elbows straight.
  2. Keep your neck in line with your spine and avoid looking up or down.
  3. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels and avoid letting your hips sag or lift too high.
  4. Engage your core and glutes to maintain stability.
  5. Breathe deeply and steadily throughout the exercise.

Planks can be modified or progressed by adding movement, such as plank jacks or knee taps, or increasing the amount of time you hold the position. Start with holding for 30 seconds to a minute and gradually increase the time as you get stronger.


Sit-ups are a bodyweight exercise that primarily work your abdominals, hip flexors, and lower back. Here's how to perform a basic sit-up:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  2. Place your hands behind your head, interlocking your fingers, or crossing them over your chest.
  3. Engage your core and use your abdominals to lift your shoulders off the ground, curling your upper body towards your knees.
  4. Slowly lower your body back down to the starting position.

Here are some tips to ensure proper form during sit-ups:

  1. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and avoid lifting them up.
  2. Keep your neck in line with your spine and avoid pulling on your head with your hands.
  3. Engage your core and avoid using momentum to lift your upper body.
  4. Breathe out as you lift your shoulders off the ground, and breathe in as you lower your body back down.

Sit-ups can be modified or progressed by adding weights, changing the angle of your body, or adding twists to work your obliques. Start with a few sets of 10-12 reps and gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you get stronger. However, it's worth noting that some fitness professionals recommend alternative exercises to sit-ups, as they can put excessive strain on the lower back.

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